The Product Configurator
reflex plus® goes a new way with the representation and storage of the article structure. The article master was designed in such a way that the companies get by with only a few articles (model/type), but these articles can be varied greatly by a sophisticated variant management with our product configurator. This guarantees a flexible and effective product development with a low maintenance effort for the master data and parts list entry.
Production gone wrong?
That is impossible in the future!
Verkaufen – oder produzieren Sie nicht mehr Artikel die Sie nicht herstellen können. Die Logik des Produktkonfigurators schließt einen Verkauf oder das Produzieren von Artikeln aus, die in Ihrer Kombination der Bauteile technisch oder strukturell nicht zugelassen sind aus.
basic article
The products are defined using a basic article and the characteristics and values possible for them.